Speedup Data loading

Speedup Data loading

Alexandre Strube // Sabrina Benassou

October 17, 2023

Let’s talk about DATA

  • Some general considerations one should have in mind
Not this data

I/O is separate and shared

All compute nodes of all supercomputers see the same files

  • Performance tradeoff between shared acessibility and speed
  • It’s simple to load data fast to 1 or 2 gpus. But to 100? 1000? 10000?

Jülich Supercomputers

  • Our I/O server is almost a supercomputer by itself
  • JSC Supercomputer Stragegy

Where do I keep my files?

  • $PROJECT_projectname for code
    • Most of your work should stay here
  • $DATA_projectname for big data(*)
    • Permanent location for big datasets
  • $SCRATCH_projectname for temporary files (fast, but not permanent)
    • Files are deleted after 90 days untouched

Data services

  • JSC provides different data services
  • Data projects give massive amounts of storage
  • We use it for ML datasets. Join the project at Judoor
  • After being approved, connect to the supercomputer and try it:
  • cd $DATA_datasets

Data Staging

  • LARGEDATA filesystem is not accessible by compute nodes
    • Copy files to an accessible filesystem BEFORE working
  • Imagenet-21K copy alone takes 21+ minutes to $SCRATCH
    • We already copied it to $SCRATCH for you

Data loading

Fat GPUs need to be fed FAST


  • We have CPUs and lots of memory - let’s use them
    • multitask training and data loading for the next batch
    • /dev/shm is a filesystem on ram - ultra fast ⚡️
  • Use big files made for parallel computing
    • HDF5, Zarr, mmap() in a parallel fs, LMDB
  • Use specialized data loading libraries
    • FFCV, DALI, Apache Arrow
  • Compression sush as squashfs
    • data transfer can be slower than decompression (must be checked case by case)
    • Beneficial in cases where numerous small files are at hand.
